Power BI Training Resources (Free)

Power BI Training

Power BI Training?  My most common request, by far, is for training resources for Power BI.  There have been some posts I have used to acquire more/better/different options for learning Power BI but I have accumulated, filtered out, and singled out the best resources below.  I will add/modify periodically as new resources are added and if any of these sources become stale.

Power BI Guided Learning

“Start your learning journey through Power BI with this sequenced collection of courses, and understand the extensive and powerful capabilities of Power BI.”  Great Power BI training resource – always kept up to date.

Microsoft YouTube Training Curriculum

Full Microsoft provided training curriculum delivered in 100+ short duration YouTube videos.

Microsoft will point you to these videos when asking for training resources.  They cover all of the different aspects of connecting to data, shaping data, calculated columns, measures, time intelligence, hierarchies, working w/ different visualizations, R, Power BI Services, Q&A, Quick Insights, mobile, dashboards, distribution/sharing, gateways, etc.

My go to Power BI training resource I send to those that ask.

edX Course – Analyzing and Visualizing Data with Power BI

In this data science course, you will learn from the Power BI product team at Microsoft with a series of short, lecture-based videos, complete with demos, quizzes, and hands-on labs. You’ll walk through Power BI, end to end, starting from how to connect to and import your data, author reports using Power BI Desktop, and publish those reports to the Power BI service. Plus, learn to create dashboards and share with business users—on the web and on mobile devices.

Good Power BI training resource for classroom type learning.

udemy Course – Learn Power BI Basics for Free

In this tutorial you will be learning all basic knowledge required for Power BI and understanding Power BI component.

7 Lectures – 2 Hours – Beginner Level

Good Power BI training resource for classroom type learning.

Microsoft Learn – Power BI Courses

Whether you’re just starting or an experienced professional, our hands-on approach helps you arrive at your goals faster, with more confidence and at your own pace.  Learn new skills and discover the power of Microsoft products with step-by-step guidance. Start your journey today by exploring our learning paths and modules.

Includes 11 courses as of today.

eBook – Introducing Microsoft Power BI

“Introducing Microsoft Power BI is a book that covers the basics of the tool and, at the same time, shows you what the main capabilities of Power BI are. The first chapters are similar to a step-by-step guide to start using the service, but the goal is also to show you all available features and the business scenarios covered by them.”

Good Power BI training resource for those that enjoy learning from a book type resource.

Power Pivot and Power BI Reference Card

Great 8-page reference card from an excellent resource of Power Pivot, DAX, and Power BI knowledge…..mainly addressing best-practices and understanding of DAX.

Good Power BI training reference.

Webinars – SQLBI

Videos and webinars from two DAX masters:  Alberto Ferrari and Marco Russo.

Good Power BI training resource for visual type learning.

Webinars – Microsoft

List of upcoming and on-demand webinars covering introductory training, design concepts, content-packs, and feature-specific concepts from Microsoft and community members.

Good Power BI training resource for classroom type learning.

(Visited 14,167 times)

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